
Monday, May 26, 2014
udah lama ga ngepost lagi yah soalnya abis un nih hehe kan kalo abis un tuh nganggur banget terus aku liat dirumah ada novel. baca sinopsisnya kayaknya rame deh. terus ceritanya tuh era 1950an gitu tren nya kayak apa. malah tokoh utamanya tuh penjahit butik pesanan gitu jadi sekalian belajar dikit-dikit soal jahitan. nah ini dia judul novelnya: Lucia, Lucia karya andriana trigiani. itu salah satu penulis best seller internasional. jadi udah di translate in ke indonesia sih yang aku baca. ini aku dapet reviewnya:

Adriana Trigiani is probably best-known for her much-loved Big Stone Gap series (there's a fourth book on the way) set in the mountains of Virginia, but Lucia, Lucia is a bit of a departure in that it's set in New York in 1950. So does it match up to the earlier books?
Lucia Sartori is beautiful and eligible but more interested in her career in the fashion department of a Fifth Avenue department store than in getting married, even breaking off her engagement when she learns she's expected to give up work. But when she meets John Talbot - a man who reminds her of her beloved father - she falls hard. So hard that she takes a risk that changes everything.
I love this book. The descriptions of Lucia's job (and her colleagues Delmarr and Ruth) are beautiful and evocative of a more glamorous time. Her descriptions of New York not only make me want to live there (no change there), but make me want to live there in the 1950s!
This is a gorgeously old-fashioned book, but funny, page-turning and heartbreaking at the same time. I insist you read it!
 ini kan internasional jadi banyak versi covernya. kalo menurut copyrightnya tuh tahun 2003.
Nah nanti aku mau ngasih liat berbagai macam covernya. tapi tunggu dulu yah mau diedit dulu hehehe

karena itu translate ada beberapa istilah bahasa italia yang aku gangerti. keren deh andriana tuh ngebikin suasananya tuh terbayang jelas. tau tempat-tempatnya. eh pas beres baca novelnya baca biografinya-___- ternyata dia emang tinggal diluar negeri makanya bagus sama detail banget :p -___-

nanti ya aku kasih gambarnya

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